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Seeing the end

I last posted in February and I was struggling with FMP at that time...not much has changed since then haha. Im now only 3 days away from our final hand in on Friday 12th at 4pm and I can't wait to hand in all my work and then next Tuesday I will see my entire collection on models ready for catwalk selection. In my head I know i've done well and I still surprise myself when I create a new garment that initially challenged me as a design, I would love to get the chance to present my work to the catwalk in London but everyone on my course has their own unique style which would maybe better suit the "commercial" aspect of the catwalk - it does get photographed in Vogue for the world to criticise ha! Ive made 5 wired bras, 6 pairs of pants, 1 suspender belt, 1 skirt, 2 corsets and a shirt and I'm so happy with how it all looks together and I can't quite believe that it's all coming to an end..looking back on my first ever set next to my last ever collection is a huge difference and I wish I could restart with all the knowledge that I have learnt and use that in first year and so on... But that is where I plan on going now, using all this knowledge and applying it to my own brand and selling handmade lingerie, swimwear and corsetry for whoever is interested. This is some self love to myself and a little pat on the back for making it this far when I honestly thought I was going to drop out after first year but I held on and I'm so glad I did. I hope to not neglect this blog as much and post everything I create on here as and when it happens, I recently did a photoshoot with a friend of mine (@JasmineKingPhotograohy on Instagram) which is the image above and I'm so happy to see my creations on a real person! I will make a separate blog for those images in the future along with an update as to how I am, because I'll probably forget until way after hand in!

Thanks for reading and I'll be back soon, after endless cups of coffee to get me through this last push

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